Wonderville's favorite problem-solving duo, Pinkfong and Hogi, assembles a group of friends to produce their first-ever live concert. The crew must learn to come together as a team and compromise as they create the ultimate interactive experience with sing-along lyrics and matching choreography. Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2: Wonderstar Concert is a sequel to the movie Pinkfong & Baby Shark’s Space Adventure (2020), filled with Pinkfong's most beloved songs, including the global mega-hit, Baby Shark!
一名森林官员(维迪亚饰)的任务是在一个偏远的村庄捕获并控制一只食人虎。然而,当她努力做好工作时,却面临着来自各方的敌意。MLA 将其视为政治问题,并聘请猎人杀死母老虎,以便他可以在下次选举中使用它。维迪亚想捕捉母老虎。她和她的团队追踪母虎哈巴狗的痕迹。猎人设法杀死了母老虎,但找不到幼崽。村民们发现幼崽躲在一根木头下,并秘密通知了维迪亚。幼崽得救了。
Vidya Vincent 是村庄的新 DFO,长期以来,一只母老虎一直通过杀人来恐吓这个地方。在研究了更多细节后,母老虎被认为是 T 12,Vidya 和她的团队让村民意识到如何安全并告知情况但村庄政治却玩起了一场破坏性的游戏,神枪手兰詹·拉杰汉斯(平图·巴伊亚饰)奉命去追捕母老虎,他坚信狩猎可以创造记录。
汽车人和霸天虎连年不断的战争,给地球带来了莫大的伤害。为此,地球各国联合成立反应部队,针对变形金刚无论正邪一律绞杀。与擎天柱交往甚密的地球人凯德?伊格尔(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)不顾身边人的反对和政府的压力,以一己之力为大黄蜂、钢锁等汽车人提供庇护场所,期间他无意得到一枚徽章,从而将危机引向自身。失踪的擎天柱飘回赛博坦,被变形金刚的创造者昆塔沙捕获并黑化,命令他返回地球寻找至高无上的权杖,毁灭地球,复兴赛博坦。与此同时,威震天和地球政府达成协议,彼此联合追寻凯德及其盟友的踪迹,其目标同样是曾属于魔法师梅林的权杖。
1942年,11岁的小约瑟夫(约瑟夫·魏斯曼 Joseph Weismann 饰)正是天真烂漫的年纪。盛夏六月的一个清晨,小约瑟夫穿着一件胸口缝着黄色小星星的衣服,正要兴致冲冲地去上学。旧货商邻居鼓励他好好上课,而面包师傅却开他玩笑。他的犹太小伙伴和他的家人在蒙马特高地学习和生活。即使这是块被占领的法国区域,他们仍然得到了暂时的庇护。然而这短暂的幸福和宁静,很快就崩塌了。
A weekend getaway for four couples takes a sharp turn when one of the couples discovers the entire trip was orchestrated to host an intervention on their marriage.
故事发生在位于阿尔巴尼亚的古老山区中,在当地,依然流传着关于婚姻和男女关系的非常古老的规则。少女汉娜(阿尔芭·洛瓦赫 Alba Rohrwacher 饰)生于斯长于斯,看尽了当地妇女艰辛的生存状态,特立独行的汉娜默默发誓,绝不嫁人从此成为操劳家务的奴仆。 于是,依照当地的律法,汉娜许下了诺言,一辈子守身如玉,从此,在所有人的眼中,她不再是一名女性,同时也不再享受身为女性的所拥有的权利。就这样,汉娜被赐予了男名“马克”以及一把匕首,放逐至荒郊野岭,自生自灭。一晃眼十年过去,坚强的汉娜依旧形单影只,但这一次,她再度做出了惊人的选择——前往大都市米兰,寻找自己的姐姐。
Isn’t the trajectory of a shared life determined in advance Get married, have kids, be like everyone else… According to Dietrich Brüggemann, who competed in Vary six years ago, 30-somethings conceivably have it all, yet they fail in their attempts to achieve their set ideals. Nö delivers a critique of contemporary values, while also highlighting the struggle to find and nurture love.
Lucy and Joe whose married life is on a verge of a divorce gets the surprise visit of Mrs. Claus in disguise. Mrs. Claus is on a mission to find the true spirit of Christmas that can inspire Santa Claus. Both Lucy and Joe are consumed by their professional commitments. Lucy's interest in her boss Parker makes things more complicated. Can Mrs. Claus accomplish her mission and spread the joy of Christmas.
During WWII, a platoon of American soldiers trudge through the Italian countryside in search of a bridge they have been ordered to blow up, encountering danger and destruction along the way.