Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes later, and seems to look and act totally normal. However, his wife Denise finds out that that's not the case at all. It turns out that Danny has become a zombie. However, instead of becoming a "Night Of The Living Dead"-style creature right off the bat, he disintegrates gradually, in a manner akin to cancer or AIDS. He and his wife Denise do their best to cope with his slipping away, not to mention the fact that he can't stop killing and eating people. As their best friends arrive for a weekend visit, she makes him promise her that they're off-limits. He agrees, but finds it more and more difficult to control himself. She hangs in there because he's the love of her life, but it becomes more and more apparent that her life is in jeopardy as well.
乔治(哈里·海登 Harry Hayden 饰)经营着一家小餐馆,一天,餐馆里来了两名不速之客,他们是杀手,来寻找每天都在此吃完饭的皮特(Michael Hale 饰)。巧合的是,偏偏今天皮特没有来参观,在杀手离开后,乔治连忙打电话给皮特通风报信,然而最终,皮特还是死于非命。
皮特生前买过一份保险,受益人是一个名叫奎尼的女人。奎尼是餐馆的服务生,曾经在皮特陷入抑郁想要自杀之际救过他一命。紧接着,皮特曾经的好友塞姆(比尔·沃克 Bill Walker 饰)浮出了水面,他如今迎娶了皮特的初恋女友劳拉。塞姆告诉调查人员,皮特是一名退役拳击手,退役后加入了黑帮干一些违法乱纪的事情,而他所遭遇的一切不幸,都和一个名叫凯蒂(艾娃·加德纳 Ava Gardner 饰)的女人有着脱不清的干系。
Rahul's parents have discovered that their new tenant, Pankaj, is from a lower caste and want him to leave but the two boys have fallen in love. Will they be able to express their twice tabooed love?
一群儿时的玩伴,在他们已经成年很久之后回到了阔别已久的野营营地,当年的营地管理者卢伯伯(艾伦·阿金 Alan Arkin 饰)依然坚守在这里,而曾经的玩伴马修(文森特·斯帕诺 Vincent Spano 饰)和凯利(朱丽叶·沃纳 Julie Warner 饰)如今已经结为了夫妻,并且成为了两个孩子的父母。
和过去一样,卢伯伯将男女分开,分别住进了两个宿舍,和凯利同屋的是珍妮弗(伊丽莎白·帕金斯 Elizabeth Perkins 饰),曾经,马修为珍妮弗而痴狂,这让如今的凯利心里感到一丝不是滋味。卢伯伯宣布了一件让大家感到非常遗憾的事情,他决定在不久之后关闭营地。
艾伦(范妮莎•L•威廉姆斯 Vanessa Williams 饰)是美国最大武器武器制造公司西历公司的高级职员,她慢慢发现了这加公司的一些黑幕――该公司生产了一种明令禁止的武器并在黑市交易。FBI利用艾伦获得了一些证据,艾伦成了本案的关键证人。鉴于这间公司的势力,证人保护中心派出了法警约翰(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)前往保护艾伦。
当约翰赶到艾伦家时,杀手正在谋杀艾伦。约翰救出了惊魂未定的艾伦,并告诉了她现在情况。安顿好艾伦后,约翰前往酒吧和同伴罗伯特(詹姆斯•凯恩 James Caan 饰)见面,罗伯特告诉约翰因为保护证人的计划泄漏,要重新安排,并要求约翰一起行动。向来都是独立完成任务的约翰起了疑心,他慢慢开始觉得这件事背后的势力并不简单。
Jack McKee(William Hurt饰)是一位受人尊敬的医生。在旁人看来,他几乎拥有了一切。他非常成功,有不少钱,没有什么棘手的问题需要忙得焦头烂额……即使他自己也对这样的生活相当满意。直到有一天,他被查出的了咽喉癌。尽管他吃了很多药,去了很多医院,看了很多医生,但病情并没有得到有效的控制。但在他作为病人四处投医的过程中,他突然意识到,作为一个医生,他并没有尽到自己的责任。因为,他发现,医生要做得并不只是外科手术和对症下药……
A young couple of different religious faiths and very much in love, meet a tragic accident that puts both of them in a coma and sets their spirits off on a quest to figure out how to be together in the afterlife where interfaith couples are not allowed to enter the same afterworld.
Four astronauts have to stay 1000 days in a space station around Earth in order to prove that a trip to Europa, one of Jupiter's moon, is possible. The experience goes well until something happens on earth.
This film is a romantic comedy about first love. About how difficult it is to fall in love and not to do so. Twelve year old Selma knows all about that. She has decided to give up on boys and concentrate on science and Nobel Prices instead. But what does she do when the only one to share her interests is a boy?
凯斯特(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一个恐怖分子,他本想杀死探员西恩(约翰•特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰),却误杀了西恩的儿子,西恩更与凯斯特结下不共戴天之仇。在逮捕凯斯特归案之后,他以为可以划上句号,却得知凯斯特已经把一枚毒气炸弹投放在某个人群密集的角落。